SCP 682 vs Slenderman Who would win? Detailed comparison chart

Nguyễn Minh Khánh
tháng 2 18, 2024
Last Updated

Two of the most iconic fictional monsters, SCP 682 vs Slenderman, are often pitted against each other in debates about who would win in a fight. Both creatures are incredibly powerful and have a long history of terrorizing people. But who would ultimately come out on top? In this article, we will delve into the abilities and strengths of both SCP 682 and Slenderman, compare them, and ultimately determine who would emerge victorious in a battle between these two formidable beings.

Introduction to SCP 682 and Slenderman

SCP 682 is a Euclid-class object contained by the SCP Foundation. It is a large, reptilian creature with incredible strength, speed, and durability. SCP 682 is also highly intelligent and has a regenerative healing factor that makes it nearly impossible to kill. The origins of SCP 682 are unknown, but it is believed to be an ancient creature that has been around for centuries.

SCP 682 vs Slenderman Who would win

Slenderman, on the other hand, is a fictional character who originated as an internet meme. He is typically depicted as a tall, thin man with a white face and no facial features. Slenderman is said to stalk and abduct children, and his victims often experience nightmares and hallucinations. While there are many variations of Slenderman's origin story, he is generally portrayed as a supernatural being with mysterious powers.

SCP 682's abilities and strengths

SCP 682 is a formidable opponent with a wide range of abilities. Its incredible strength allows it to crush metal with its bare hands and fling objects with great force. In one incident, SCP 682 was able to break through a reinforced steel door with ease. This immense strength, combined with its massive size, makes SCP 682 a force to be reckoned with.

In addition to its strength, SCP 682 is also incredibly fast and agile. It can move at speeds that exceed the speed of sound, making it difficult for its opponents to keep up with its movements. This speed also allows SCP 682 to quickly close the distance between itself and its target, making it a formidable opponent in close combat.

But perhaps the most impressive aspect of SCP 682 is its durability. It has been shown to withstand bullets, explosions, and even nuclear weapons without sustaining any serious damage. In one experiment, SCP 682 was exposed to a high-powered laser for over an hour, but it showed no signs of injury or discomfort. This incredible resilience makes it nearly impossible to defeat SCP 682 through conventional means.

SCP 682's regenerative healing factor is also a major advantage in battle. It can heal from even the most grievous wounds in a matter of seconds, making it almost invincible. This ability has been put to the test numerous times, and SCP 682 has always come out on top, no matter how severe the injuries it sustains.

SCP 682's weaknesses

While SCP 682 may seem like an unstoppable force, it does have a few weaknesses that can be exploited. One of its main weaknesses is its aversion to acid. SCP 682 has shown a strong reaction to acids, and prolonged exposure can cause significant damage to its body. However, this weakness is not foolproof, as SCP 682 has been able to adapt and overcome this weakness in the past.

Another potential weakness of SCP 682 is its intelligence. While it is highly intelligent, it is still a creature driven by instinct and survival. This could potentially be used against it in a battle, as it may become predictable in its actions.

Slenderman's abilities and strengths

Slenderman's abilities and strengths are shrouded in mystery, as there is no definitive source for information about him. However, based on his appearances in various media, we can gather some information about his abilities.

Slenderman is known for his ability to teleport and disappear at will. This makes him a difficult opponent to track and pin down in a fight. He also has the power of mind control, which he uses to manipulate his victims and make them do his bidding. Slenderman is also said to have superhuman strength and speed, making him a formidable physical opponent as well.

In addition to his supernatural abilities, Slenderman also has a few tricks up his sleeve. He can create illusions and manipulate reality, causing his victims to experience terrifying hallucinations. This ability can be used to disorient and confuse his opponents, giving him an advantage in battle.

Slenderman's weaknesses

As with SCP 682, Slenderman also has weaknesses that can be exploited. One of his main weaknesses is fire. In many depictions, Slenderman is shown to be vulnerable to fire, and it is believed that this could potentially be used to defeat him. However, this weakness is not confirmed, as there is no definitive source for information about Slenderman's abilities.

Another potential weakness of Slenderman is his reliance on fear. It is believed that without instilling fear in his victims, Slenderman loses much of his power. If his opponents are able to remain calm and focused, they may be able to resist his mind control and illusions, giving them an advantage in battle.

Comparison of SCP 682 and Slenderman

Criteria SCP 682 Slenderman
Strength Incredible strength, able to crush metal and fling objects with great force Superhuman strength, able to overpower his victims physically
Speed Can move at speeds that exceed the speed of sound Has the ability to teleport and disappear at will
Durability Can withstand bullets, explosions, and even nuclear weapons Vulnerable to fire, but this weakness is not confirmed
Regenerative healing factor Can heal from even the most grievous wounds in a matter of seconds No known regenerative abilities
Intelligence Highly intelligent, but still driven by instinct and survival Capable of manipulating reality and creating illusions
Weaknesses Aversion to acid and potential predictability due to instinctual behavior Vulnerable to fire and relies on instilling fear in his victims

Based on this comparison, it is clear that both SCP 682 and Slenderman are incredibly powerful beings with unique abilities and strengths. However, there are some key differences between them that could potentially give one an advantage over the other in a battle.

SCP 682 vs Slenderman: Who would win?

Now, the question remains – who would win in a fight between SCP 682 and Slenderman? The answer is not as straightforward as one might think. Both creatures have their own set of strengths and weaknesses, making it difficult to determine a clear winner.

On one hand, SCP 682's incredible strength and durability make it a formidable opponent for Slenderman. It can withstand his attacks and retaliate with great force. Additionally, SCP 682's regenerative healing factor gives it an advantage in terms of endurance, as it can quickly heal from any injuries sustained in battle.

On the other hand, Slenderman's supernatural abilities, such as teleportation and mind control, could prove to be too much for SCP 682 to handle. Slenderman's ability to manipulate reality and create illusions could also disorient SCP 682, giving him an opportunity to strike.

Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between SCP 682 and Slenderman would depend on various factors, such as the environment, the element of surprise, and the strategies used by each creature. It is impossible to determine a clear winner without taking these factors into consideration.

Who is stronger, SCP 682 or Slenderman?

It is difficult to say who is stronger between SCP 682 and Slenderman. Both creatures possess unique abilities and strengths that make them formidable opponents. However, if we were to compare their physical strength, SCP 682 would likely come out on top due to its immense size and brute force.

In terms of supernatural abilities, Slenderman may have the upper hand. His ability to manipulate reality and create illusions could give him an advantage over SCP 682, who relies more on its physical strength and durability.

Fictional story battle of SCP 682 vs Slenderman

To truly determine who would win in a battle between SCP 682 and Slenderman, let's imagine a fictional scenario where they face off against each other.

The setting is a dark, abandoned warehouse, with broken windows and debris scattered everywhere. SCP 682 and Slenderman stand at opposite ends of the warehouse, staring each other down. The air is thick with tension as they prepare to engage in a fight to the death.

Slenderman makes the first move, disappearing and reappearing behind SCP 682, attempting to catch it off guard. But SCP 682 is quick to react, using its incredible speed to dodge Slenderman's attacks. The two engage in a fierce battle, with SCP 682 using its strength to overpower Slenderman, while Slenderman uses his supernatural abilities to confuse and disorient SCP 682.

As the battle rages on, both creatures sustain injuries, but SCP 682's regenerative healing factor allows it to quickly heal and continue fighting. Slenderman, on the other hand, begins to weaken as SCP 682's attacks take their toll on him.

In a last-ditch effort, Slenderman unleashes all of his powers, creating a powerful illusion that causes SCP 682 to momentarily lose its focus. Seizing this opportunity, Slenderman lunges at SCP 682, attempting to deliver a fatal blow. But SCP 682 quickly recovers and uses its immense strength to crush Slenderman's body, defeating him once and for all.


In conclusion, it is impossible to determine a clear winner in a battle between SCP 682 and Slenderman. Both creatures possess unique abilities and strengths that make them formidable opponents. However, based on their physical strength and durability, SCP 682 may have the upper hand. But in terms of supernatural abilities, Slenderman could potentially outsmart and defeat SCP 682.

Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between these two iconic fictional monsters would depend on various factors and could go either way. It is safe to say that both SCP 682 and Slenderman are incredibly powerful beings that should not be underestimated.

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