Scp 939 vs Scp 682 Who would win? Who is stronger?

Nguyễn Minh Khánh
tháng 2 19, 2024
Last Updated

The SCP Foundation secures and contains anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena. Among these anomalies, SCP 939 vs SCP 682 are considered two of the most dangerous and powerful creatures known to the SCP Foundation. In this article, we will delve into the abilities and strengths of both SCP-939 and SCP-682, and ultimately answer the question. Who would win in a battle between these two formidable creatures?

Introduction to Scp 939 and Scp 682

SCP-939 is a pack of 4-6 humanoids with dog-like heads. They were first discovered in a remote forest in [REDACTED], where they were believed to be responsible for the disappearance of several hikers. Upon containment, it was discovered that SCP-939 is highly intelligent and capable of mimicking human voices. This ability is used to lure unsuspecting prey, making them even more dangerous.

Scp 939 vs Scp 682

On the other hand, SCP-682 is an indestructible lizard-like creature. It was first encountered when it breached containment at Site [REDACTED] and caused massive destruction before being re-contained. Since then, SCP-682 has proven to be nearly impossible to kill, with a regenerative healing factor that allows it to survive even the most severe injuries. It is also highly resistant to all forms of weaponry, making it a formidable opponent.

Scp 939's Abilities and Strengths

As mentioned earlier, SCP-939 is a pack of 4-6 humanoids with dog-like heads. They are extremely agile and have a keen sense of smell, making them excellent hunters. Their primary method of hunting is through ambush tactics, using their ability to mimic human voices to lure prey into their trap. This makes them a formidable opponent, as they are not only physically strong but also highly intelligent.

One of the most dangerous abilities of SCP-939 is its venom. The venom is a powerful neurotoxin that can kill a human in minutes. It is secreted through the creature's claws and can be injected into its victims during an attack. Once the venom enters the bloodstream, it quickly attacks the nervous system, causing paralysis, convulsions, and ultimately death within minutes. This makes SCP-939 a deadly adversary, as even a single scratch from its claws can prove fatal.

Strengths of Scp 939

  • Highly intelligent
  • Agile and fast
  • Keen sense of smell
  • Ability to mimic human voices
  • Deadly venom

Scp 682's Abilities and Strengths

SCP-682 is known for its incredible strength and durability. It has been observed lifting objects several times its own weight and surviving extreme temperatures and pressures. Its regenerative healing factor allows it to heal from any injury, no matter how severe. This makes it nearly impossible to kill, as it can regenerate lost limbs and organs within a matter of hours.

In addition to its physical abilities, SCP-682 is also highly resistant to all forms of weaponry. Bullets, missiles, and even nuclear weapons have proven ineffective against this creature. It has also shown the ability to adapt to different situations, making it even more challenging to contain or destroy. These abilities make SCP-682 a formidable opponent, capable of causing massive destruction and chaos.

Strengths of Scp 682

  • Incredibly strong
  • Regenerative healing factor
  • Highly resistant to all forms of weaponry
  • Adaptability

Comparison of Scp 939 and Scp 682

Both SCP-939 and SCP-682 possess unique abilities and strengths that make them dangerous and difficult to contain. However, there are some key differences between the two that could determine the outcome of a battle between them.

One significant advantage that SCP-939 has over SCP-682 is its intelligence. While SCP-682 is a highly intelligent creature, SCP-939 has shown the ability to strategize and plan attacks, making it a more formidable opponent in a battle. Additionally, SCP-939's venom could prove to be a crucial factor in weakening SCP-682, as it has been shown to be effective against other SCPs with regenerative abilities.

On the other hand, SCP-682's incredible strength and durability give it a significant advantage over SCP-939. It would take a considerable amount of force to even injure SCP-682, let alone kill it. Its adaptability also makes it challenging to predict its actions, making it a dangerous opponent.

Scp 939 Vs Scp 682 Who Would Win?

The question on everyone's mind - who would win in a battle between SCP-939 and SCP-682? The truth is, it is impossible to say for sure. Both SCPs possess unique abilities and strengths that could give them an advantage in a fight. However, if we were to speculate based on their known abilities, it is likely that SCP-682 would come out on top.

While SCP-939's intelligence and venom could prove to be significant factors, they may not be enough to overcome SCP-682's incredible strength and durability. Additionally, SCP-682's adaptability could allow it to find a way to neutralize SCP-939's venom or outsmart its ambush tactics.

Who is Stronger, Scp 939 or Scp 682?

It is difficult to determine who is stronger between SCP-939 and SCP-682, as both possess unique abilities and strengths that make them formidable opponents. However, if we were to compare their physical strength, SCP-682 would likely come out on top. Its ability to lift objects several times its own weight and survive extreme conditions gives it a significant advantage over SCP-939.

Fictional Story Battle of Scp 939 VS Scp 682

To give a better understanding of how a battle between SCP-939 and SCP-682 might play out, let us imagine a fictional scenario:

The Foundation receives reports of a breach at Site [REDACTED]. Upon arrival, they discover that SCP-939 has escaped containment and is wreaking havoc in the facility. As they attempt to contain SCP-939, they receive an alert that SCP-682 has also breached containment and is heading towards Site [REDACTED].

As SCP-939 continues to cause chaos, SCP-682 arrives at the site. The two creatures immediately engage in a fierce battle, with SCP-939 using its agility and intelligence to dodge SCP-682's attacks. However, SCP-682's incredible strength proves to be too much for SCP-939 to handle, and it is quickly overpowered.

Just when it seems like SCP-682 has won, SCP-939 uses its venom to weaken SCP-682. This gives the Foundation personnel enough time to intervene and re-contain both SCPs before any further damage can be done.


In conclusion, both SCP-939 and SCP-682 are incredibly dangerous and powerful creatures that would pose a significant threat if they were to ever come into contact with each other. While SCP-939's intelligence and venom could give it an advantage, SCP-682's incredible strength and durability make it a formidable opponent. Ultimately, it is impossible to say for sure who would win in a battle between these two SCPs, but one thing is certain - it would be a destructive and chaotic event.

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