SCP 096 vs SCP 682 Who would win? Comparison, Fictional Fight

Nguyễn Minh Khánh
tháng 2 15, 2024
Last Updated

The SCP Foundation is a mysterious organization that deals with containing anomalous entities. SCP-096 vs SCP-682 these are two of the feared creatures.. Both possess immense power and have become the subject of much speculation and debate regarding their potential in a confrontation. In this article, we will delve into the abilities and strengths of SCP-096 and SCP-682, comparing them to determine their potential outcomes in a hypothetical battle.

Introduction to SCP-096 and SCP-682

SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a humanoid creature that stands at approximately 2.38 meters tall. Its face is always covered by a blank mask, and viewing its features triggers an uncontrollable desire to cover one's own face and withdraw from view. This makes it extremely difficult to contain or study, as even a glimpse of its face can cause chaos.

SCP 096 vs SCP 682

On the other hand, SCP-682, also known as the Hard-to-Destroy Reptile, is a massive reptilian entity with an extremely hostile and destructive nature. It has been described as being over 6 meters in length and weighing over 4 tons. Its body is covered in thick, scaly armor, making it nearly impervious to damage.

SCP-096's Abilities and Strengths

Extreme Speed

One of SCP-096's most notable abilities is its extreme speed. When its face is revealed, it can move at incredible speeds, making it difficult for anyone to escape its grasp. In some cases, it has been reported to move at speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour, making it almost impossible to outrun.

Claws and Teeth

SCP-096's sharp claws and teeth make it a formidable opponent in close combat. These weapons are capable of inflicting significant damage, and combined with its speed, it can quickly overpower its victims.

Extreme Strength

SCP-096 possesses extraordinary physical strength, capable of shattering bones and tearing through flesh. This makes it a dangerous adversary, as it can easily overpower most humans or even other SCPs.


The Shy Guy has also shown remarkable resilience and endurance. It can withstand severe physical trauma, such as gunshots and explosives, without showing any signs of slowing down. This makes it incredibly difficult to subdue or contain.

Regenerative Abilities

One of SCP-096's most unique abilities is its regenerative powers. It can heal from injuries at an incredibly fast rate, making it almost impossible to kill. Even if it sustains severe damage, it can quickly regenerate and continue its rampage.

SCP-682's Abilities and Strengths

Indestructible Armor

SCP-682's thick, scaly armor makes it nearly impervious to damage. It has been reported to withstand extreme temperatures, corrosive substances, and even nuclear explosions without sustaining any significant harm.

Acidic Blood

Another formidable weapon in SCP-682's arsenal is its acidic blood. If injured, it will release large amounts of this corrosive substance, making it difficult for anyone to approach or attack it.

Adaptive Evolution

One of the most terrifying abilities of SCP-682 is its adaptive evolution. It has shown the ability to adapt and evolve to overcome any threat or containment measure. This makes it nearly impossible to contain or destroy, as it will always find a way to survive.

Extreme Strength

Similar to SCP-096, SCP-682 possesses immense physical strength. It has been reported to lift objects weighing over 300 tons and can easily overpower most opponents in close combat.

Rapid Healing

Like SCP-096, SCP-682 also has regenerative abilities. However, its healing process is much slower compared to the Shy Guy. Nevertheless, it can still heal from severe injuries over time, making it difficult to kill.

Comparison of SCP-096 and SCP-682

Abilities/Strengths SCP-096 SCP-682
Speed Extreme Moderate
Claws and Teeth Deadly Lethal
Strength Extreme Extreme
Endurance High Indestructible
Regenerative Abilities Fast Slow
Armor None Indestructible
Acidic Blood None Deadly
Adaptive Evolution None Extreme

From the table above, we can see that both SCP-096 and SCP-682 possess formidable abilities and strengths. However, there are some key differences between them that could determine the outcome of a battle between the two.

SCP-096's extreme speed and agility could give it an advantage in a fight, as it would be able to dodge attacks from SCP-682 and strike back quickly. Its regenerative abilities also make it challenging to defeat, as it can heal from injuries rapidly.

On the other hand, SCP-682's nearly indestructible armor and acidic blood could prove to be a significant challenge for SCP-096. It would be difficult for the Shy Guy to inflict any significant damage on SCP-682, and even if it does, the reptile's adaptive evolution would allow it to overcome any injuries.

SCP-096 vs SCP-682: Who would win?

The question on everyone's mind is - who would win in a battle between SCP-096 and SCP-682? The truth is, it's impossible to say for sure. Both creatures possess immense power and unique abilities that could give them an advantage over the other.

However, if we were to speculate based on their strengths and weaknesses, it's possible that SCP-096 could have a slight edge in a fight. Its extreme speed and agility could allow it to dodge attacks from SCP-682 and strike back quickly. Additionally, its regenerative abilities would make it challenging for SCP-682 to inflict any significant damage.

But then again, SCP-682's adaptive evolution could prove to be the deciding factor in a battle. It has shown the ability to adapt and evolve to overcome any threat, and it's possible that it could find a way to defeat SCP-096.

Who is stronger, SCP-096 or SCP-682?

It's impossible to determine who is stronger between SCP-096 and SCP-682. Both creatures possess unique abilities and strengths that make them formidable opponents. However, if we were to compare their physical strength, SCP-682 would likely come out on top. Its massive size and incredible strength give it an advantage over SCP-096 in terms of raw power.

Fictional Story Battle of SCP-096 vs SCP-682

To further explore the potential outcome of a battle between SCP-096 and SCP-682, let's imagine a fictional scenario where the two creatures are pitted against each other.

The Foundation has received reports of a containment breach involving both SCP-096 and SCP-682. The two creatures have encountered each other in a large containment chamber, and all attempts to separate them have failed. The Foundation decides to observe the situation from a safe distance, hoping that one of the creatures will eventually overpower the other.

At first, SCP-096 charges towards SCP-682, its face revealed and ready to attack. However, the reptile stands its ground, its thick armor protecting it from SCP-096's claws and teeth. As SCP-096 continues to attack, SCP-682 retaliates with its acidic blood, causing severe burns on the Shy Guy's body.

Despite its injuries, SCP-096 continues to attack, using its speed and agility to dodge SCP-682's attacks. However, the reptile's adaptive evolution kicks in, and it begins to grow in size and strength, making it nearly impossible for SCP-096 to inflict any significant damage.

As the battle rages on, it becomes clear that neither creature can defeat the other. The Foundation is forced to intervene, using powerful tranquilizers to subdue both SCP-096 and SCP-682. The two creatures are separated and returned to their respective containment chambers, and the Foundation is left to wonder what would have happened if the battle had continued.


In conclusion, it's impossible to determine who would win in a battle between SCP-096 and SCP-682. Both creatures possess unique abilities and strengths that make them formidable opponents. However, based on their abilities and weaknesses, it's possible that SCP-096 could have a slight advantage in a fight. But then again, SCP-682's adaptive evolution could prove to be the deciding factor. Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between these two terrifying creatures remains a mystery.

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