The Ultimate Showdown SCP 076 vs SCP 073 Who would win?

Nguyễn Minh Khánh
tháng 2 17, 2024
Last Updated

Two mysterious beings in the SCP Foundation, SCP 076 and SCP 073, have fascinated horror fans and sparked numerous discussions. These formidable beings, cloaked in mystery and boasting extraordinary powers, have become icons of terror within the SCP universe. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the depths of SCP 076 vs SCP 073, comparing their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. We will unravel the mysteries surrounding these entities and determine which of these titans would emerge victorious in a hypothetical confrontation.

Introduction to SCP 076 and SCP 073

SCP 076 vs SCP 073

SCP 076, also known as Able, is a humanoid entity of unknown origin. Its skin and flesh are decomposed, revealing its underlying bones and organs. Standing at an imposing height of 7 feet tall, it possesses superhuman strength, speed, and agility. Able's most distinctive feature is its ability to control and manipulate its body at a molecular level. This grants it unparalleled shapeshifting capabilities, allowing it to contort its form into various grotesque shapes and mimic the appearance of other beings.

SCP 073, known as Cain, is a towering figure shrouded in shadow. Its true form remains unknown, as it is constantly surrounded by an impenetrable darkness that absorbs all light. Cain possesses incredible telekinetic abilities, enabling it to manipulate objects with its mind. It also has the power of regeneration, able to heal any injury or damage inflicted upon it. However, this regeneration comes at a cost, as any harm done to Cain is transferred to the person who caused it.

SCP 076's Abilities and Strengths


SCP 076's ability to manipulate its body at a molecular level gives it an edge in battle. It can change its form to adapt to any situation, making it a formidable opponent. This shapeshifting ability also allows it to mimic the appearance of other beings, making it difficult to identify and track.

Superhuman Strength

SCP 076's strength is unmatched, able to lift and throw objects weighing several tons with ease. Its physical prowess makes it a deadly force in close combat, capable of overpowering most opponents. Its strength also extends to its shapeshifting abilities, allowing it to create weapons or appendages to enhance its attacks.

Speed and Agility

In addition to its strength, SCP 076 also possesses incredible speed and agility. It can move at lightning-fast speeds, making it difficult for opponents to land a hit. Its agility allows it to dodge attacks and move quickly through any terrain, giving it an advantage in battle.

SCP 073's Abilities and Strengths


SCP 073's telekinetic abilities are its primary strength. It can manipulate objects with its mind, making it a formidable opponent from a distance. This power also allows it to defend itself by creating a barrier around itself, protecting it from harm.


One of SCP 073's most notable abilities is its power of regeneration. It can heal any injury or damage inflicted upon it, making it nearly invulnerable. However, this regeneration comes at a cost, as any harm done to Cain is transferred to the person who caused it.

Immunity to Physical Attacks

Due to its constant state of being surrounded by darkness, SCP 073 is immune to most physical attacks. This makes it difficult for opponents to harm it, giving it an advantage in battle. However, it is not completely invincible, as certain anomalous objects or entities may still be able to cause harm.

Comparison of SCP 076 and SCP 073

Category SCP 076 (Able) SCP 073 (Cain)
Origin Unknown Unknown
Appearance Decomposed humanoid Shrouded in darkness
Height 7 feet Varies due to shapeshifting
Abilities Shapeshifting, superhuman strength, speed and agility Telekinesis, regeneration, immunity to physical attacks
Weaknesses Vulnerable to anomalous objects or entities Regeneration comes at a cost
Combat Style Close combat Ranged attacks
Potential for Destruction High High

Based on the comparison above, it is clear that both SCP 076 and SCP 073 possess formidable abilities and strengths. However, they also have their own weaknesses that can be exploited by their opponents. In a hypothetical confrontation between these two entities, it would be a battle of brute strength versus strategic use of powers.

SCP 076 VS SCP 073: Who Would Win?

The answer to this question is not a simple one. Both SCP 076 and SCP 073 are incredibly powerful and evenly matched in many ways. However, if we were to consider their abilities and weaknesses, we can speculate on who would emerge victorious in a battle between them.

In a close combat scenario, SCP 076's superhuman strength and agility would give it an advantage over SCP 073. However, SCP 073's telekinetic abilities and immunity to physical attacks could prove to be a challenge for SCP 076. It could use its powers to keep SCP 076 at a distance and avoid any direct confrontations.

On the other hand, if SCP 073 were to engage in a ranged battle, SCP 076's shapeshifting abilities would give it an edge. It could easily adapt to any situation and create weapons or appendages to attack SCP 073 from a distance. However, SCP 073's regeneration and immunity to physical attacks could still make it a formidable opponent.

Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between SCP 076 and SCP 073 would depend on the circumstances and strategies used by each entity. It is impossible to determine a clear winner, as both entities have their own unique strengths and weaknesses that could be exploited in different scenarios.

Who is Stronger, SCP 076 or SCP 073?

It is difficult to determine who is stronger between SCP 076 and SCP 073, as they possess different abilities and strengths. SCP 076's superhuman strength and shapeshifting abilities give it an advantage in close combat, while SCP 073's telekinetic powers and immunity to physical attacks make it a formidable opponent from a distance.

However, if we were to consider their potential for destruction, both SCP 076 and SCP 073 have the ability to cause significant damage. SCP 076's brute strength and shapeshifting capabilities could result in widespread destruction, while SCP 073's telekinesis could cause chaos and devastation.

In the end, it is safe to say that both SCP 076 and SCP 073 are equally powerful and dangerous entities within the SCP universe.

Fictional Story Battle of SCP 076 VS SCP 073

To truly understand the capabilities of SCP 076 and SCP 073, let us imagine a hypothetical scenario where these two entities engage in a battle.

The Foundation receives reports of anomalous activity in a remote location, and upon investigation, they discover that SCP 076 and SCP 073 have come into contact with each other. The two entities are locked in a fierce battle, causing destruction and chaos wherever they go.

SCP 076 charges at SCP 073, its massive form shifting and contorting as it moves. However, SCP 073 uses its telekinetic powers to create a barrier around itself, deflecting SCP 076's attacks. As SCP 076 continues to attack, SCP 073 retaliates with powerful telekinetic blasts, causing the ground to shake and objects to fly.

The battle rages on, with both entities using their powers to their full potential. SCP 076's shapeshifting abilities allow it to create weapons and appendages to attack SCP 073, while SCP 073's regeneration keeps it from sustaining any significant damage.

As the fight reaches its climax, SCP 076 manages to land a powerful blow on SCP 073, sending it flying. However, SCP 073 uses its telekinesis to redirect its fall and land safely. It then unleashes a barrage of telekinetic attacks on SCP 076, overwhelming it and causing it to retreat.

In this fictional story, we can see that both SCP 076 and SCP 073 are evenly matched, with neither emerging as the clear winner. It is a testament to their incredible powers and strengths, making them two of the most formidable entities in the SCP universe.


In conclusion, SCP 076 and SCP 073 are two of the most enigmatic and powerful entities within the SCP Foundation. Their abilities and strengths make them formidable opponents, and a hypothetical battle between them would be a sight to behold. While it is impossible to determine a clear winner, it is safe to say that both SCP 076 and SCP 073 are equally matched in terms of power and destruction. These entities continue to fascinate and terrify us, reminding us of the vast and mysterious world of the SCP Foundation.

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