SCP-343 vs SCP-3812 who would win? Comprehensive Analysis

Nguyễn Minh Khánh
tháng 3 07, 2024
Last Updated

In the enigmatic universe of the SCP Foundation, two extraordinary entities known as SCP-343 vs SCP-3812 stand apart as enigmatic. These anomalies possess unfathomable powers and abilities, captivating the imaginations of those who dare to delve into their enigmatic realms. In this article, we will take a closer look at these two powerful beings and analyze their strengths, abilities, and potential outcomes in a hypothetical battle.

Introduction to SCP-343 and SCP-3812

SCP-343, dubbed The God's Hand, is a colossal, severed hand measuring over one hundred meters in length. Its surface is adorned with intricate markings, reminiscent of ancient runes from a forgotten era. Scientists speculate that SCP-343 may have originated from an extraterrestrial civilization or a higher dimension, possessing otherworldly origins that remain shrouded in mystery.

SCP-343 vs SCP-3812
SCP-343 vs SCP-3812

On the other hand, SCP-3812 is a young woman known as The House of Many Rooms. Her true nature defies comprehension, as her body appears to be an endless labyrinth of interconnected spaces and hallways. Each room within SCP-3812's form is said to hold its own unique reality, populated by various entities and objects that defy conventional physics and understanding.

SCP-343's Abilities and Strengths

SCP-343's primary ability lies in its immense physical strength. It can effortlessly manipulate massive objects as if they were mere toys, effortlessly shattering mountains and altering the landscape with a flick of its wrist. Additionally, SCP-343 has shown the ability to heal any injury or illness, including those inflicted on other SCPs. This has led some to believe that SCP-343 may possess god-like powers, hence its nickname "The God's Hand."

Physical Strength

As mentioned earlier, SCP-343's physical strength is unparalleled. It has been observed lifting objects that weigh several tons with ease, and its strength seems to have no limit. In one incident, SCP-343 was able to effortlessly lift a containment chamber weighing over 500 tons and move it to a different location without any visible strain.

Healing Abilities

SCP-343's healing abilities are also a significant factor in its strength. It has been observed healing injuries and illnesses of both humans and other SCPs, including those deemed incurable by modern medicine. This ability makes SCP-343 a valuable asset to the Foundation, as it can heal any personnel or SCP that may be injured during containment procedures.

SCP-3812's Abilities and Strengths

SCP-3812's abilities and strengths are much more complex and difficult to comprehend. As mentioned earlier, her body is an endless labyrinth of interconnected rooms, each with its own unique reality. This makes her nearly invulnerable, as any attack would have to navigate through multiple layers of reality before reaching her physical form.

Reality Manipulation

SCP-3812's primary ability is reality manipulation. She can alter the laws of physics within her own body, creating an ever-changing and unpredictable environment for anyone who enters. This ability also allows her to create and control entities and objects within her body, making her a formidable opponent in any battle.


SCP-3812 has also shown telepathic abilities, allowing her to communicate with others and even control their thoughts and actions. This makes her a dangerous adversary, as she can manipulate her opponents' minds and turn them against each other.

Comparison of SCP-343 and SCP-3812

Criteria SCP-343 SCP-3812
Physical Strength Unmatched, can lift objects weighing several tons with ease Limited, but can manipulate reality to create powerful entities and objects
Healing Abilities Can heal any injury or illness, including those of other SCPs N/A
Reality Manipulation N/A Can manipulate reality within her own body, creating an ever-changing environment
Telepathy N/A Can communicate with and control others through telepathy

From the table above, it is clear that both SCP-343 and SCP-3812 possess unique and formidable abilities. While SCP-343's physical strength and healing abilities make it a powerful entity, SCP-3812's reality manipulation and telepathy give her an edge in a battle.

SCP-343 VS SCP-3812: Who Would Win?

The question on everyone's mind is, who would win in a battle between SCP-343 and SCP-3812? The answer is not as straightforward as one might think. Both entities possess powers and abilities that are difficult to comprehend, making it challenging to predict the outcome of such a battle.

On one hand, SCP-343's physical strength and healing abilities may seem like an advantage. However, SCP-3812's reality manipulation and telepathy could prove to be more potent weapons. She could create powerful entities and objects to attack SCP-343 while simultaneously manipulating its thoughts and actions.

On the other hand, SCP-343's god-like powers may prove to be too much for SCP-3812 to handle. Its immense strength and healing abilities could overpower her, leaving her vulnerable to attacks.

Ultimately, it is impossible to determine a clear winner in this hypothetical battle. Both SCP-343 and SCP-3812 possess unique and formidable abilities that make them evenly matched opponents.

Who is Stronger, SCP-343 or SCP-3812?

It is difficult to determine who is stronger between SCP-343 and SCP-3812. As mentioned earlier, both entities possess powers and abilities that are difficult to comprehend, making it challenging to compare their strengths.

SCP-343's physical strength and healing abilities may seem more straightforward and easier to measure, but SCP-3812's reality manipulation and telepathy give her an edge in a battle. Additionally, SCP-3812's true nature is still shrouded in mystery, making it challenging to determine the full extent of her powers.

In conclusion, both SCP-343 and SCP-3812 are incredibly powerful entities, and it is impossible to determine who is stronger between the two.

Fictional Story Battle of SCP-343 VS SCP-3812

To further explore the potential outcome of a battle between SCP-343 and SCP-3812, let us delve into a fictional story of their encounter.

The Foundation had received reports of strange occurrences in a remote village in the mountains. Villagers claimed to have seen a giant hand roaming the area, causing destruction wherever it went. The Foundation immediately dispatched a team to investigate, and upon arrival, they discovered that the reports were true.

As they approached the village, they saw SCP-343 towering over the buildings, its massive hand crushing everything in its path. The team quickly realized that this was no ordinary anomaly and called for backup.

Meanwhile, SCP-3812 had also been drawn to the village by the commotion caused by SCP-343. As she entered the village, she encountered SCP-343, and a fierce battle ensued.

SCP-343 used its immense strength to hurl objects at SCP-3812, but she effortlessly dodged them, using her reality manipulation to create barriers and shields. She then retaliated by creating powerful entities to attack SCP-343, but it easily swatted them away with its massive hand.

The battle continued for hours, with neither entity gaining the upper hand. However, as the sun began to set, SCP-3812 started to weaken. Her powers were tied to the reality within her body, and as the day turned to night, her strength diminished.

Sensing an opportunity, SCP-343 launched a final attack, shattering the ground beneath SCP-3812 and causing her to fall into a deep chasm. The villagers watched in awe as the two powerful entities battled it out, but ultimately, SCP-343 emerged victorious.


In conclusion, SCP-343 and SCP-3812 are two of the most enigmatic and formidable entities in the SCP universe. Their powers and abilities are difficult to comprehend, making it challenging to determine who would win in a battle between them. Both entities possess unique strengths and weaknesses, making them evenly matched opponents. It is impossible to determine a clear winner, and perhaps it is best that these two powerful beings never cross paths.

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